Books and Stories by Quinn Riley
Imperial Logo


I have finished revising The Imperial and it is avaialble for download. I updated the draft of The Scholar to include changes from The Imperial. I added Kindle (.mobi) formatted ebook versions of the avaialble books for download on the Legacy of the Empire page.

Current Plan and Progress

I am revising The Sith while working on The Slave. The second draft will be put up for download once complete, and then The Slave will be my sole focus until the first draft is done.

updated Feb 22, 2023


Flight of the Scooter

A poem I wrote for a friend.

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The Star City

A poem I wrote for a friend.

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A poem experimenting with form I wrote about a flower I saw on one of my road trips with my Dad.

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Ashla and Bogan

A poem I wrote for LotE. It is about the moons of Tython, written in the voice of an ancient Je'daii.

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Just a fun poem.

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This was based on the image below.

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Over the Rhone

This is about Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhone".

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The Lonely God

This is about the Doctor. Another experiment with form.

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