I have finished revising The Imperial and it is avaialble for download. I updated the draft of The Scholar to include changes from The Imperial. I added Kindle (.mobi) formatted ebook versions of the avaialble books for download on the Legacy of the Empire page.
Current Plan and Progress
I am revising The Sith while working on The Slave. The second draft will be put up for download once complete, and then The Slave will be my sole focus until the first draft is done.
updated Feb 22, 2023
Progress Report
The Hero - 7th Draft
The Scholar - 2nd Draft
The Imperial - 2nd Draft
The Sith - Revised 1st Draft
The Slave - Work In Progress
The Hunter - Pending
The Schism - Pending Final Draft of 1 thru 6
The Wraith - Pending
The Empire - Pending
85% is a finished 1st Draft, then I step it up every time I revise the draft. 100% is the Final Draft.
This is my retelling of Star Wars. While the original trilogy and prequel Star Wars movies, The Old Republic MMO, and the Knights of the Old Republic games were inspirations, this story significantly rebuilds the setting of the Star Wars universe, making a true mix of Sci-fi and Fantasy while not being bound by the 'set in stone' future created by the movies. I am also trying to put the 'science' back into the science fiction.
Originally the first five books were supposed to be one called Origins which, in five parts, would have told the story of each main character. However, as I outlined and brainstormed, I found that each part was going to be equivalent to an entire book. The total length would have been unreasonable, so I reworked it into five books. I do still consider them to be one single story and I have been writing the books with that in mind. Following the subset that was Origins are three more books telling the rest of the story, at least in this initial arc. I do not have any plans beyond the eight books right now. The first, The Hero, is nearly complete (see below for the latest current draft). I am also done with the second draft of the second book, The Scholar (see below), the first draft of the third book, The Imperial and the fourth book, The Sith (both unreleased). The rest of the series is as follows: Book 5: The Slave (my current project), Book 6: The Hunter, Book 7: The Schism, Book 8: The Wraith, and Book 9: The Empire.
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The Republic, after standing for 21,400 years, has been in a terrible war with the Second Sith Empire. For decades the conflict has torn at the fabric of society and the Jedi Order that protects the people of the Republic. Now, finally, peace is in sight. As Quirinus Kardos—a Jedi knight—returns to Coruscant, a new era of heroes and villans begins in the galaxy.
The Armistice of Coruscant stalled the War between the Republic and the Second Sith Empire, but it did not help the Jedi. After their exile to Ilum, they are finally returning to their ancient home. However, Midori Ezes' mission with her Master lies far from that precieved sanctuary in a planetary system boarding Sith territory: a place of intrigue and danger. Dark forces have begun to grow and conspire in the wake of peace. Now that the Jedi are reaching out again, they must face what is lurking in their shadows.
Loyalty is always tested in the Empire, from birth till death. One soldier, Senka Dorne, after proving herself in the Great War and beyond, earns a place in the most enegmatic of the Imperial castes. Now closer to the Empire's Sith masters, she realizes the truth of their power and control. A powerful weapon in an evanescent peace, she is plunged into the Empire's enemies as the War draws ever closer again.
In the Empire, blood is everything. Hier to the prodigious Roma clan, Kioth embarks on his journey as a Sith with vicious flare. With his saber and rage, he travels the galaxy as if it is his footstool, loyally doing his Master's bidding while always looking for his next step on the climb upwards in his service to the Empire and Emperor.
The lowest caste in the Empire are the slaves. A new and unexpected decree by the Emperor has demanded any sophont in the Empire that is sensitive to the Force be trained on Korëdän, including slaves. Escaping an execution, one slave thrives in the bloody training, embracing the ways of her Sith Masters and becoming something they never expected: powerful. Never wanting to lose her new-found power, she delves into the dark shadows of the Sith Empire and digs for its hidden secrets.
The Jedi and Sith always see themselves as the center of the galaxy, but there are many others who seek power in their own way. The mighty Mandalorians joined the Empire in its Great War against the Republic and Jedi, seeking honor and glory in battle. With the signing of the Armistice, many have suddenly found themselves trapped by an agreement they had no part in making. One young warrior still wishes for the old days when the Mandalorians held their own empire and commanded respect beyond being mere mercenaries, and he is determined to see his dream become a reality.